What is a home energy audit?

A home energy audit, or “energy assessment,” helps determine where energy is being wasted and where you should prioritize upgrades in your home.

Energy audits are carried out by an energy auditor who will review your energy bills, complete visual inspections and possibly use special equipment—such as an infrared camera or blower—to determine where energy loss is occurring in your home.

Based on the data collected by the auditor, you’ll receive a detailed report outlining the best efficiency upgrades that will help save energy—and money!

For more information about energy audits, or to find an energy auditor in your region, visit the U.S. Department of Energy or Natural Resources Canada websites. 

Energy savings calculators

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Energy Matters

In the world's conversation about energy, one point is beyond debate: Energy makes a vital contribution to people's quality of life, to society and to human progress. This is true today, and it will remain true in the future. That's why Energy Matters was created. We believe it's important to equip people with unbiased information so they may form opinions, join the conversation and feel confidence in the work and accomplishments of the energy sector. Energy Matters is an initiative that provides transparent information and perspective on energy. Here, we'll cover a range of topics: the scale of global energy; the ways energy is sourced and produced; current energy technology; forthcoming innovations; the world's future energy needs; and the sustainable sources of energy that will fill them. Because energy matters to everyone, we hope you'll rely on Energy Matters as an ongoing source of balanced information.