Understanding the right-of-way


The Enbridge system is an extensive network of buried pipelines and above-and-underground facilities such as storage tanks, pumping and compressor stations.

The system crosses thousands of properties as it travels across the continent. Rights-of-way (ROW) exist in various locations, from river crossings to fields to urban areas to sub-Arctic tundra, and because of this, there is no distinct look to the ROW. Pipeline ROW are acquired from landowners, other utilities, or government entities by obtaining an easement, permit, license, or, in limited cases, through purchase.

The ROW is a strip of land of varying widths that may contain one or more pipelines. The ROW:

  • Allows our workers access for inspection, maintenance, testing or in an emergency;
  • Identifies an area where certain activities are prohibited to protect public safety and the integrity of the pipeline.

Pipeline rights-of-way can be identified by the pipeline markerslocated at roads, railways, and other intervals along the ROWwhich include the name of the operator, emergency contact information, and a general description of the product in the pipeline. Markers indicate the general location of buried pipelines only, and should never be used as a reference for the exact location of a pipeline. The one-call procedure must be used to properly locate pipelines prior to any soil-disturbing activity.

For your safety and to protect the pipeline, written permission from Enbridge is required prior to planting any shrubs, operating vehicles or mobile equipment, storing equipment, or using explosives within the pipeline right-of-way. Building or placing a structure and planting trees are also prohibited within the right-of-way.