Sustainability: Our policies

Enbridge adheres to a strong set of corporate values, and has adopted and implemented a number of corporate responsibility policies and practices.

Enbridge’s overall commitment and approach to sustainability is summarized in our Sustainability Policy.

Our Climate Policy guides our efforts to play a leadership role in the transition to a lower carbon future, and identifies the actions we are taking to manage climate risks and respond to climate opportunities.

Our Indigenous Peoples Policy guides our efforts to build long-term relationships with Indigenous peoples.

At home and abroad, employees must adhere to our Statement on Business Conduct which outlines expected standards of behavior and ethics, and is a condition of employment at Enbridge. Our Supplier Code of Conduct outlines Enbridge’s expectations on the ethical standards and business conduct of our suppliers in the areas of health and safety, the environment, labor and human rights, and responsible business behavior.

Our Supplier Diversity Policy helps us achieve our objective of creating and sustaining an inclusive and diverse supply chain. Our Political Contributions Policy governs our actions with respect to corporate contributions, lobbying, public disclosure and more.

See our Corporate Documents and Policies webpage for other key Enbridge corporate governance documents.

Enbridge is also signatory to the United Nations Global Compact an international initiative in support of human rights, labor and the environment.