Banner that reads Reconciliation Action Pillars

Pillar 2: Community engagement and relationships

Enbridge understands meaningful engagement and respectful relationships are foundational to advancing reconciliation. We are committed to developing strategies, mechanisms and opportunities that support and nurture dialogue and engagement between Enbridge and Indigenous groups throughout the lifecycle of our projects and operations.

Wolves howling at the moon

Our commitments

Focus Commitment Details Target/Goal Timeline
Feedback mechanism Develop an incremental formal mechanism for Indigenous groups to provide feedback to Enbridge
  • In addition to ongoing engagement activities, and in consultation with Indigenous peoples, develop an incremental transparent feedback mechanism to facilitate input from potentially impacted Indigenous groups such as questions, concerns, and opportunities for collaborations related to Enbridge's projects and operations
  • Establish and launch feedback mechanism
Community engagement and relationships Provide $80 million in cumulative funding support for engagement priorities, community capacity building and fostering wellbeing over the next five years
  • In addition to Enbridge’s Indigenous contracting and procurement spend, these funds are intended to support community capacity and wellbeing. This may include dollars from relationship agreements, taxes paid and/or corporate/regional community investment
  • $80 million in cumulative funding over five years

Spotlight: Patrick Hunter mural

How an art installation ignites and inspires conversation and connection to each other, the land and Indigenous culture and history.

Patrick Hunter is a two Spirit Ojibway artist, graphic designer and entrepreneur from Red Lake, Ontario. Patrick is one of Canada’s well-known Woodland artists, gaining inspiration from his homeland, painting what he sees through a spiritual lens, with the intent to create a broader awareness of Indigenous culture and iconography. Among his many projects are artwork he created for the Canadian Olympic Curling Team, the Chicago Blackhawks and Hockey Night in Canada.

In 2021, Enbridge commissioned Patrick to create two original pieces of art that could be digitized and used as murals in GDS facilities across Ontario. The pieces are installed in two locations: the 3rd floor of the 50 Keil Drive office in Chatham, and the 1st floor of the Victoria Park Centre in Toronto. Both pieces represent the start of a longer-term project to prominently display a collection of original Indigenous artwork.

The murals, designed specifically for Enbridge, embody Patrick’s personal reflections on and spiritual connection to the land and Indigenous territories in and around Ontario on which our GDS offices reside. They create awareness of Indigenous culture and history of the lands on which we work and live and connect us back to the natural world, something increasingly difficult to do in our urban environment. Not least, and perhaps most profoundly, they invite and ignite conversation, furthering our connections to each other and creating opportunities for dialogue, learning and reflection on our individual and collective journeys towards reconciliation.

Artist in front of a painting

“I think it’s important for companies today to realize the land they are on was once another culture’s territory. Public acknowledgments of that fact are such a great first step towards being on the right side of history.”

—Patrick Hunter, Ojibway artist

Artist depiction of a plains landscape